What is a Math Worksheet Generator?
The math worksheet generator allows teachers to generate math problems focusing on a specific math skill. The generator can be found on Interventional Central. It can be used for students ages 5-15, and focuses on addition, multiplication, geometry, and much more. The math worksheet generator, on Intervention Central, has 3,000 different math skills for all students. This is a great intervention teacher can implement in the RTI model. For example, the teacher may split a class up in three different groups; a higher-level group, on-level group, and a lower-level group. For higher-level students, the teacher may use the math worksheet generator and focus on a more advanced math skill. For the on-lvel group, the teacher may generate a worksheet focusing on grade-level skills. And for the lower-level group, the teacher may focus on simpler math problems. By using the math worksheet generator, all students can be at the instructional level without reaching the frustration level or being too bored.
Here are the directions on using the math worksheet generator (Intervention Central: Math worksheet Generator):
Here are the directions on using the math worksheet generator (Intervention Central: Math worksheet Generator):
- Go to interventioncentral.org
- Select a problem type for the single-skill computation worksheet
- Then, you can go to 'advanced settings' and change the font size or alter the number of columns and rows
- To create calculation probes, click 'single skill computation probe'
- Optional: You can customize the worksheet by entering in students name
Student Profile
In my third grade field experience class, I have a student in my class who should be in 5th grade. She got held back 2 years due to home life and moving so often. This student is in third grade but at a first-grade math level. The class is working on 3 digit addition problems and finding the difference between two number by counting up. However, this specific student really struggles with that. I decided to use the math worksheet generator and create problems using 1 to 2 digit addition problems for her. I also used the math worksheet generator to create problems for my on-level students using 3 digit addition problems. By using the Math worksheet Generator, the students are able to do their work without reaching the frustration level.
Visual Representations

The image to the left shows an example of what the worksheet will look like once it is complete. I selected the skill, 1 to 2 digit number with no regrouping. I clicked single skill computation probe, and it created this worksheet. The answers will not be shown when you use the math worksheet generator.
Content Area
The math worksheet generator can only be used in math. I would recommend this intervention strategy to schools who implement the RTI model because it generates math problems meeting each students specific needs in math.